Today marks a very special day. Four years ago, I gained a business partner and best friend. I’m not sure where I would be today without him.
Noah and I have been through a lot together in the past four years. He weighed only 35 lbs, and every bone was showing. I thought he was an orange and brown dog but found out after a couple of bathes that the orange was just red clay stains. He was wild, every room in the house was christened, the coffee table was broken, and the gutters were torn off the house. We would go for a walk, and out of the blue, he would turn around ad lunge at me. He was so bad that my mother told me to name him Noah because I would say was, NO and AHH, A LOT.
But with a lot of training and constant dedication, he has become the dog that I need.
Noah's jobs range from being a stand-in model in the studio for corporate headshots or pet portraits, helping with marketing, and being an ambassador for the business.
I love when I am working in the studio, and call out that I need help, and he will run into the studio, sit in the middle of the set, face the camera, and not move until I say thank you.
Sitting in while I test the lights and exposure for a dog portrait photography session.
I am not a fan of marketing or self-promotion. Unfortunately, with photography, those are the 2 things you need to be great at. Noah loves to go out with me making marketing much easier.
Noah is introducing us to the other vendors.
All I say is happy hour, and he gets all excited. Now if he could get my wine, I'd be all set.
Noah whats everyone to know that he is the one that runs the show now.
We celebrated successes and worked through the setbacks.
I can't imagine a better pup to be in business with – or a better friend.
Here’s to many more years of friendship and success!
If you need a partner, please consider adopting. Yes, It might be a lot of work, but it will be well worth it. Donations are always a welcome gift to the shelters to help the dogs that haven't found their homes yet. My choice for adoption is For the Love of Dogs in Wilson, NC.